
Welcome to SCCA RallyCross!

Are you ready to experience the thrill of RallyCross? Whether you’re a seasoned motorsport enthusiast or a complete newcomer, the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) RallyCross is an exciting and accessible way to get involved in competitive racing. Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

What is RallyCross?

RallyCross is a timed competition where drivers navigate a course laid out on a large open piece of ground, typically dirt or gravel, using pylons (cones) to mark the route. Unlike traditional racing, RallyCross courses are designed to be challenging and fun, with tight turns and varying surfaces. Speeds are generally kept below highway speeds, and most drivers rarely need to shift beyond second gear.

Getting Started

  1. Find an Event: Check our MotorsportReg Calendar to find an upcoming RallyCross events. 
  2. Register: Registration is usually required in advance. Be sure to check the specific event details for registration deadlines and fees.
  3. Prepare Your Car: Almost any car can be used for RallyCross, as long as it meets basic safety requirements. Make sure your car is in good working order, with no loose parts or leaks. You may also want to invest in some basic modifications, such as better tires or suspension upgrades … but don’t get ahead of yourself, having fun is the first step.

What to Expect

  • Course Layout: Courses are typically 30-70 seconds in length and are designed to test your driving skills. You’ll navigate through a series of cones, with penalties for hitting cones or going off course.
  • Safety: Safety is a top priority in RallyCross. All participants must wear helmets, and cars must pass a safety inspection before competing.
  • Community: RallyCross events are known for their friendly and supportive atmosphere. You’ll have the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts, share tips, and enjoy a day of racing fun.

Tips for Newcomers

  • Start Slow: Take your time to learn the course and get a feel for your car’s handling on different surfaces.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask more experienced drivers for advice. The RallyCross community is always willing to help newcomers.
  • Have Fun: Remember, RallyCross is all about having fun and improving your driving skills. Enjoy the experience and don’t worry too much about your times.


We hope this guide helps you get started with SCCA RallyCross. See you on the course!

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further assistance using our Contact Us Form.