San Diego Region SCCA


Event Results Supplement

SCAT#8 – July 9, 2006

Revised July 25, 2006


1.         Top Time of Day

Open class – BM #29, Larry Dennstedt, 63.974
            Ladies class – BSL #408, Alicia Trigeiro, 83.998


2.         Sound Notification

Class          No.   Driver                        Car                                 Run 1      Run 2      Run 3      Run 4

P2EP          391   Mara Caler                84 Honda Civic CRX     91.8        -              -              -          

PAXSTS    158   Bret Norgaard           92 Acura Integra             91.8        92.6        92.0        92.3

PAXSTS    15     Neil Kuhns                92 Acura Integra             92.5        91.8        92.2        93.1


3.         Did Not Work

SCCA Solo II Championship events are a work/run event.  Not working results in disqualification (Sec. 3.6.1). The following drivers were disqualified for not working:


Class          No.   Driver                        Club

IS3             1000 Ricky Storm               -


4.         Upcoming Events

            July 29 – Practice (Maybe restricted, see event flyer for details)

July 30 – Championship


5.         If you have questions concerning the event or the results please contact:

Scott Lewis @ (619) 890-8305

Steve Licate @ (619) 258-5588